February 23, 2009

Busway’s New Route: Lebak Bulus – Tomang

Saturday, 21 February 2008: Governor of DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, inagurated a new route of Transjakarta Busway which serves passengers along 29 km from Lebak Bulus to Tomang and connects with Kalideres-Harmoni route. 25 buses from PT Eka Sari Lorena dan PT Primajasa Perdanarayautama are ready to serve 17 shelters and expected headway (the time interval between one bus and the next) of between 8 and 15 minutes. The total estimated return travel time Lebak Bulus-Indosiar is one hour and 50 minutes during off-peak hours and two and a half hours during rush hours.

In his speech during the launch ceremony at Lebak Bulus shelter, Fauzi Bowo emphasized that he puts public service on the 1st place even due to several preparation troubles which caused BLU Transjakarta had to delay the launch of the route. With expected headway (the time interval between one bus and the next) of between 8 and 15 minutes, optimistically the new route will be able to meet public needs in having higher mobility in badly congested Jakarta. At the same time, the governor also informed about the contribution of ITDP in giving lesson learned from Bogota to improve busway performance from time to time.  

After opening ceremony at Lebak Bulus shelter, the Governor and invitees took busway and headed to Metro Pondok Indah Utara shelter. The shelter has a direct access through a skybridge which connects the shelter to shopping centre, Pondok Indah Mall.  Moreover, the shelter is also equipped by a toilet. Governor was welcomed by President Director of Pondok Indah Mall at Metro Pondok Indah Utara shelter and continued with a press conference. Concerning the next two routes (Pinangranti-Pluit and Tanjung Priok-Cililitan), Governor explained to journalists that government will do their best by running tender process prior to the operation.


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