April 12, 2011

Triwisaksana: TransJakarta will be a Regionally-owned Enterprise (BUMD)

To improve TransJakarta bus service, public suggested it forms better be changed into a regionally-owned enterprise (BUMD), not a public service enterprise (BLU). That is why Jakarta City Council (DPRD) has prepared draft bylaw (Raperda) to realize the status change.

"In mid this year, the Raperda will be ready," said Triwisaksana, DPRD Deputi Chair, at Jakarta DPRD office, Tuesday (4/12). This change will be followed also with the management change of TransJakarta.

Read more: http://www.beritajakarta.com/2008/en/newsview.aspx?idwil=0&id=18663


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