October 09, 2011

Fauzi Appreciates NGO`s Support in Developing City

The rapid of development in Jakarta since last four years leadership of Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo and Vice Jakarta Governor Prijanto is not separated from the role and society participation, especially Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). Fauzi Bowo is really optimistic and appreciate with the support of various society elements including the activist in Jakarta due to it has strong factual basis.

“For the umpteenth time, I thanked and appreciate to all Jakarta’s activists about their supports to the development in the city, as well as the government implementation in Jakarta Provincial,” expressed Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo, Sunday (10/9).

He added that the number of Jakarta diverse populations, is about 9.6 million of people at night and 11 million of people in afternoon, if it could be managed properly will be strong potentials source towards the success of  development in the city. Moreover, Human Development Index (IPM) in Jakarta is increased reached 77.8 or higher compared to other areas, it shoes the levels of education, health and the buying ability of Jakarta residents are higher compared to other areas. “Economic growth is predicted will reach about 7 percent in 2011, it is hoped can give contribution towards work opportunity and reduce unemployment,” he hoped.


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