October 11, 2011

Illegal Parking at Pasar Baru Eradicated in December

After controlling illegal parking along Jl Gajah Mada and Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta and implementing off street parking (parking in a building) in the location, Jakarta Transportation Department will also control illegal parking in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta.

Udar Pristono as Head of Jakarta Transportation Department stated that there would be three buildings to accommodate vehicles. They are Istana Pasar Baru with capacities of 500 cars, Pasar Baru Square with 80 cars, and Pasar Baru Atom with 300 cars. “The controlling for these parking is aimed to maintain environment and revitalize sidewalks function for passerby. As a matter of fact, it has been surveyed and three buildings can be parking location for Pasar Baru area,” he said, Tuesday (10/11).


Desember, Parkir Liar di Pasar Baru Dihapus



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