November 24, 2011

Again, Sexual Harassment Case Happened in TransJakarta Bus

Another sexual harassment case happened in TransJakarta bus. This time, the victim is IF (15), a student of state vocational school (SMKN) in Central Jakarta, while the perpetrator is Ahmad Afriansyah (40). Both of them were in the same TransJakarta bus corridor VII (Kampung Rambutan-Kampung Melayu). This case was revealed thanks to Damaris Marlisa (43), another passenger who caught Ahmad’s immoral action.

Marlisa explained this incident started when the victim got on the bus from Kenari bus stop, while Ahmad was from St. Carolus Salemba bus stop. Both of them were standing because the bus was packed. Taking advantage of this situation, Ahmad approached the victim and started groping the victim’s back of her thigh and buttock. “I noticed his suspicious action. After I approached him, the perpetrator was turned out groping the victim’s buttock,” stated Marlisa in Jatinegara precinct, Wednesday (11/23).

Dugaan Pelecehan di Busway

Pelecehan Seks di Transjakarta Terjadi Lagi


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