November 14, 2011

Life in the ‘Fast Lane’: Daily Graft Fuels a Corrupt Society

Ulma Haryanto & Lisa Siregar

Over the past few weeks, we have been bombarded with survey after survey about public perceptions of corruption in government, law enforcement and business. If anything, the results show things are not getting much better. 

Our corruption perception index (CPI), according to Transparency International (TI), had a miniscule improvement from 2.4 in 2006 to 2.8 in 2010. Another recent survey by the group concluded that businesses in Indonesia are the fourth-most likely in the world to offer bribes in their dealings abroad. 

A survey by the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center found that some 9 out of 10 Indonesians think government is rife with corruption, although 88 percent said they still trust the police, compared to 56 percent who believe in the judiciary.

Jero Wacik: Kenaikan Harga BBM Merupakan Keputusan Politik


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