December 11, 2011

New Transjakarta corridor friendly for the blind

The Jakarta Transportation Agency says it will equip the new Transjakarta busway corridor XI with facilities to accommodate blind people. The agency’s support facilities chief Erna Yuni said it would provide 15 bus shelters, among others, with tactile relief.

“It would make it easier for them to get into the shelters and also in and out of the Transjakarta buses,” she said Sunday, as quoted by She added the agency would also provide special seats in the buses and a special toilet in one of the shelters for the disabled. “This is part of the implementation of bylaw No. 10/2011, which stipulates that every public building must be equipped with facilities for the disabled,” she said.

Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo is scheduled to officially open corridor XI on Dec. 28. The corridor has 15 shelters serving the Kampung Melayu-Pulogebang route.

Ada Halte Khusus Tuna Netra di Koridor XI
Fasilitas akan memudahkan penyandang cacat masuk dan keluar dari bus menuju halte.



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