March 27, 2013

City’s Select Bus Service not on international think tank’s top transit list

The Institute for Transportation Policy and Development announced gold, silver and bronze-medal ratings for Bus Rapid Transit. By the institute’s definition, New York’s Select Bus Service didn’t qualify.

The Institute for Transportation Policy and Development announced gold, silver and bronze-medal ratings for bus travel around the world. But New York didn’t place on the list, despite its Select Bus Service.
A city program to speed up bus travel is a point of pride for the Bloomberg Administration — but it doesn’t even merit a bronze medal from one international think tank.

Dozens of cities around the world, including a handful in the United States, received gold, silver or bronze-medal ratings for their Bus Rapid Transit programs, the Institute for Transportation Policy and Development announced Tuesday.

The Institute has five required features that define Bus Rapid Transit, one of which is completely separate lanes for buses, which the Select Bus Service does not have.

But New York didn’t even make the list.

That’s because Bus Rapid Transit, as defined by the institute, must have five specific features. New York’s "Select Bus Service" does not have at least two of the elements — including completely separate lanes.

City transportation officials have praised Select Bus Service, saying it shaves travel time by as much as 20%.

"If they used those elements, it would further improve the quality of service," said the institute’s CEO, Walter Hook.

Cities with gold-standard BRT systems include Bogota, Colombia; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Lima, Peru. Silver medalists include Mexico City; Quito, Ecuador; and Cleveland. Bronze winners include Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Cambridge, England.

City transportation officials have said its Select Bus Service shaves travel time by 20%.



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