January 27, 2014

Medan NMT Improvement

 ITDP is contracted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to conduct a study to improve the Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) condition in Medan, North Sumatera. The project is part of the larger South East Asia NMT Improvement Study that target 3 cities in 3 South East Asian Countries (Vientiane – Lao PDR, Medan – Indonesia and Davao – The Philippines) as the case study.

The study is aimed to develop the series of NMT improvement plan to each cities with the hope to be implemented by the cities. Some NMT areas will be looked at for intervention, such as pedestrian facility improvement, greenways plan, bikesharing, pedestrianization or NMT vehicle design improvement, to name a few. The study will run until first half of 2015. ITDP Indonesia will be working with ITDP China, ITDP DC and experts to deliver the best NMT plan for each cities. 


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