September 22, 2018

ITDP on The 11th Intergovernmental Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum

The 11th Intergovernmental Regional  Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum will be held from 2 – 5 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. This year forum is co-organized by the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the Ministry of Road and Transport Development, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Municipality of Ulaanbaatar of the Government of Mongolia; Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan (MOE-Japan); the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP); and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG)/UN DESA.

As a key enabler in socio-economic development, the transport sector will be a crucial part of urban development and growth in the decades to come. Managing the enormous demand for transportation and the growing volume of the people’s movement in an effective, efficient, and sustainable procedure will be one of the major challenge for developing cities across the world. The 11th Regional EST Forum in Asia aims to provide policy, technological, and the institutional insights into how Asian EST member countries can contribute in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by bringing transformational changes in both urban development and transport sectors.

Under the overall theme of “ Sustainable Urban Design and Development ~ Role of EST “, ITDP will be attending the 11th Intergovernmental Regional EST Forum as speakers and panelist, as well as holding several presentations.

On Pre-Event 3: Training Course on EST in Sustainable Urban Design – Implications Towards SDG 11″, 2 Oct 2018,  ITDP will hold two presentations at “Pre-Event 3: Training Course on EST in Sustainable Urban Design – Implications Towards SDG 11”. The first presentation’ s titled “New Street and People Oriented Design” will be presented by Yoga Adiwinarto, ITDP Indonesia Country Director, while the second presentation’s titled “Jakarta Street Design – Best Practices” will be presented by Deliani Siregar, ITDP Indonesia Urban Planning Associate.

On 3 Oct 2018, in EST Plenary Session 3, ITDP will hold a presentation titled ” Public Transport Enhancement through Sustainable Urban Design and Development – Case Studies and Best Practices”. This presentation will be presented by Yoga Adiwinarto, ITDP Indonesia Country Director. And lastly, on 5 October 2018, ITDP will be attending “Asian Mayor Forum on EST” as a panelist and technical experts in the discussion on “Integrated Land-use Planning and Urban Transport”

Planning, designing and developing a sustainable city is crucial not only for improvement of the urban mobility but also important for building safe, resilient, inclusive, environmentally-friendly cities. Well-design and high-quality streets and infrastructure, efficient and high-quality transit system, dedicated pedestrian and bicycle lanes, effective traffic demand management system and technologies. ITDP hope, this forum will provide tools and trade that a city needs to provide a variety of transportation choices that have significant implication in saving lives and creating a safer environment for the well-being of all.


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