October 26, 2021

The MoU Signing Ceremony between ITDP and Directorate General of Land Transportation – Ministry of Transportation

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through optimizing the use of public transportation and alternative low-emission modes has become a positive trend in cities worldwide. To expand this positive trend to cities in Indonesia, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) initiated a collaboration with the Directorate General of Land Transportation – Ministry of Transportation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on September 30, 2021.

The signing ceremony was held in a hybrid concept, attended by the Director-General of Land Transportation Drs. Budi Setiyadi, SH M.Si, Director of ITDP Southeast Asia Faela Sufa, and in virtual attendance ITDP Global CEO Heather Thompson. This collaboration will run through a series of activities under the program titled “Reducing Emissions Through Integration and Optimization of Public Transport in Indonesia from August 2019 to August 2022, funded by ICI (International Climate Initiative). 

In the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Director-General of Land Transportation Drs. Budi Setiyadi, SH, conveyed the government’s commitment to reduce the impact caused by air pollution by reducing the use of private motorized vehicles and increasing mass public transportation services in various cities in Indonesia.

Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between ITDP and the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation can create a more focused development of a mass public transportation system in Indonesia. Including expanding regional capacity in the implementation and service quality of public transportation, accelerating studies of alternative low-emission modes, and creating bicycle-friendly cities to provide inclusive and sustainable long-term results.


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