March 07, 2022

Jakarta E-mobility Event Day 1

In Support of DKI Jakarta’s Commitment to Electrify Public Transport Fleets and Current Efforts

Jakarta has been named the host city for the Urban 20 (U20), a series of events amongst mayors of the G20 Cities that aims to respond to the climate crisis by championing and accelerating the transition of carbon-neutral, inclusive, and resilient societies. A significant emphasis is placed on energy transition to achieve this goal since it is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. In doing so, the energy transition must also prioritize sectors that highly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, such as the transportation sector, which contributes to 28% of energy-related GHG emissions and 45% of final energy consumption In Indonesia in 2018.

Technical Assistance Programs to Support DKI Jakarta’s Commitment 

The migration to electric vehicles is essential in Jakarta’s air quality action plan to decarbonize the transport sector and reduce air pollution. Jakarta’s Governor champions the introduction of electric vehicles in Jakarta by envisioning to completely ‘electrify’ commercial vehicles used for public transport in Jakarta. Jakarta has explicitly made several commitments to accelerate the transition to electric vehicle adoption, such as DKI Jakarta’s C40 Green and Healthy Street: Fossil Fuel Free Street Declaration to only procure a zero-emission bus fleet by 2025 and gradually electrify 50% of the Transjakarta fleet by 2025. As part of the province’s climate-resilient, low-carbon development plan, BRT electrification has also been mandated in Jakarta Governor’s Regulation No. 90/2021. The initiative is in line with Indonesia’s goal to become a major player in producing and operating electric vehicles as sustainable and clean transportation through the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 55/2019 on Acceleration of Battery Electric Vehicle Programs for Road Transportation in 2019. 

Several technical assistance programs have been conducted to support DKI Jakarta’s commitment. The initiatives that have been done are as follows: 

  1. Asian Development Bank (ADB) developed a preliminary study for Transjakarta Corridor 1 & 6 Electrification. (Grutter Consulting. (2019). E-buses for Corridor 1 and 6 of Transjakarta. ADB)
  2. C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) supported the planning of Transjakarta 100 pilot e-buses
  3. UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) supports the development of BRT and Non-BRT electrification roadmap through a study by ITDP
  4. UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT), funded by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through the UK’s International Climate Finance (ICF), supports the development of Transjakarta’s large-scale electrification action plan and roadmap, focusing on the microbus through a study by ITDP
  5. Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) E-bus Mission, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports the Transjakarta 100 pilot e-buses monitoring and evaluation and develops peer-to-peer knowledge sharing network, and conducts route level analysis of bus energy consumption

High-Level Event to Accelerate Transjakarta Electrification 

To support the electrification of Transjakarta’s bus project, DKI Jakarta with ITDP, UK PACT, C40-CFF, TUMI Initiative, UNEP, CTCN, ICCT, and KPBB is conducting an E-Mobility Event filled with webinars, workshops, and capacity buildings. The event was opened by welcoming remarks from: 

  • Anies Baswedan, DKI Jakarta’s Governor
  • Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, Special Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Industry Development Acceleration
  • Rob Fenn, Head of Mission for British Embassy Jakarta
  • Ina Lepel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Indonesia, ASEAN, and Timor-Leste
  • Marina Berg, Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia 
  • Heather Thompson, CEO of Institute for Transport and Development Policy (ITDP)

Welcoming Remarks from Speakers of Jakarta Mobility Event: Day 1

Anies Baswedan, Governor of DKI Jakarta said: 

“Jakarta has accelerated its vision to establish clean mobility by pledging to shift Transjakarta fleets to electric buses in Fossil-Fuel-Free-Streets pledge as a C40 city and Jakarta’s Climate Resilient Low Carbon Development Plan.  In light of the IPCC 2022 report, where we all have to accelerate the net-zero transition, Jakarta will begin to operate the pilot phase of electric buses deployment under the Transjakarta system this week. By starting our shift to electric vehicles from public transport fleets that individually have significantly higher daily kilometers traveled than private vehicles. Electrifying more than 4,000 units of Transjakarta fleets can also provide the large demand needed by the domestic bus manufacturing industry to achieve economies of scale. These all make the electrification of public transport can kickstart the national transition to electric vehicles implementation, and Jakarta is eager to lead the movement.” 

Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, Special Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Industry Development Acceleration, said:

The BEV program will increase the country’s energy security by reducing dependence on imported fuels as well as reducing GHG emissions to achieve net-zero emission target. It is also necessary to utilize local, new, renewable energy sources for electricity generation by BEVs. Taking advantage of the momentum of the G20 Presidency of Indonesia, I hope through this Jakarta E-mobility Event innovative ideas can be generated to improve the electrification of public transportation in all cities in Indonesia, as well as increase the capacity of various stakeholders and strengthen all communication and collaboration between stakeholders.”

Rob Fenn, Deputy Head of Mission to Indonesia and Timor-Leste, British Embassy Jakarta, said: 

“The UK Government continues to support DKI Jakarta in achieving its net-zero target by 2050, including through accelerating e-buses and e-two-wheelers deployment in the city. Through technical assistance, collaboration, and diplomatic efforts, we are keen to see the metropolitan city become a model city for Indonesia in terms of delivering ambitious climate plan and moving toward a sustainable future city.”

Ina Lepel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Indonesia, ASEAN, and Timor-Leste, said:

“Achieving the ambitious target of the Paris Agreement cannot be achieved by one country alone – it requires a massive and coordinated effort internationally, and transformations of the economics in countries. Germany is committed to working closely with Indonesia to support a low carbon, sustainable transportation, and clean energy to reduce GHG emissions and provide cleaner air and improved health of citizens. We support Jakarta’s commitment through two cooperation projects in e-mobility development: the C40-CFF and the TUMI E-bus Mission. I am very much looking forward to seeing zero-emission public transport operating on the streets of Jakarta as a bright example of local climate action.”

Marina Berg, Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia, said:

“Sweden and Indonesia enjoy an excellent connection, and we will continue to expand bilateral cooperations including in renewable energy, climate and environment, smart transportation, and blue economy. The electrification of Jakarta’s bus system is one of the most ambitious and exciting programs for Indonesia’s development toward sustainability. Sweden declares its readiness to collaborate further with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, specifically in the public transport sector, through a technical advisory for preparing Transjakarta’s full fleet electrification under Swedfund, the development finance institution. Of the Swedish government.”

Heather Thompson, CEO of ITDP, said: 

“Electrification must be combined with compact city development, public transportation, and walking and cycling to meet our 1.5oC target. We still have to reduce the number of motorized vehicles and electrify the rest. Suppose we focus our investment on electrifying public transit. In that case, we’ll maximize the benefits for the greatest number of people and the climate – it is great to see that Jakarta has followed this recipe of success. It is an honor for ITDP to provide support to Jakarta in this transition to 100% clean and green electric public transit, and we are proud to share the lessons learned of Jakarta’s success with all of our partners. In cities, we support worldwide.”

Gerd Fleischer, Lead Advisor Climate GIZ, said:

“The C40-CFF project supported Transjakarta’s 100 pilot e-bus deployment to be a technically-sound, finance-ready project with a comprehensive social-benefit analysis. One of the best practices we gathered is that establishing a permanent and institutionalized decision-making body – such as a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) – is key for leading such a complex transition to e-mobility.”

Sambit Nayak, CTCN Program Officer, said: 

“CTCN and UNEP through the Supporting Jakarta’s Transition to E-mobility project, implemented by ITDP, have developed recommendations on the road map and investment plan with business models and financing mechanisms for Transjakarta’s fleet electrification. The technical assistance revealed a potential GHG reduction impact of around 10,000 tCO2eq per annum from Transjakarta fleet electrification implementation. Following the mandates from COP26, UNEP/CTCN can support the leveraging of resources from climate finance to support implementation and scaling up the e-bus program in Jakarta.”

Jens Giersdorf, Head of TUMI E-Bus Mission, said:

“In Jakarta, building up from previous supports, TUMI E-bus Mission supports the monitoring and evaluation of the upcoming pilot electric buses, conducts a training needs assessment, route-level analysis of bus energy consumption, and develops peer-to-peer knowledge sharing network.”

Francisco Posada, ASEAN Regional Lead at the ICCT, said:

“Direct engagement and support at the city level are the keys to advancing vehicle electrification programs. ICCT and KPBB are supporting the Government of Jakarta in developing route-level electric bus assessment in Jakarta.”

Ahmad Safrudin, Executive Director of KPBB, said:

“58.3% of the Jakarta population suffers from air-pollution-related diseases. The electric bus is one of the mitigation measures to control the pollution and also GHG in Jakarta. However, since e-buses are comparatively more expensive than diesel buses, studies on the total cost of ownership and green public procurement are very important and we aim to provide support on those aspects.”

Watch the replay of Day 1 event on DKI Jakarta YouTube Channel

Press release available here.

Jakarta E-Mobility Day 2 Event: Webinar on Global Case Studies and Local Policy Review on Electric Bus Deployment


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