April 22, 2022

Multi stakeholder Dialogue Draft Revision of Circular Letter No. 2, 2018 regarding Technical Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities

Since July 2021, ITDP has been working with the Ministry of Public Works, the National Public Accessibility Movement (GAUN), and UN Women to revise the technical guidelines for pedestrian facilities, as the current version does not ensure universal access for all users, specifically vulnerable groups such as women, children, elderly and people with disabilities. In revising these guidelines, the revision team set weekly meetings to go through the original document sentence by sentence. This tedious process of revioned ensured the fulfillment of security, safety, comfort, and inclusivity aspects throughout the document, the use of references based on rigorous research, the use of easy to read wording with correct grammar, and the use of illustrations help visualize the provision of pedestrian facilities while also showcasing the variety of users of pedestrian facilities.

Figure 1: Timeline of activities of the revision of the Technical Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities

To raise awareness regarding the revision of the pedestrian facility technical guidelines and to ensure an inclusive planning process in the creation of the document, a Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) was conducted. This MSD aimed to gather as many suggestions, recommendations, and concerns as possible so that various perspectives are considered in the creation of the final document. To guarantee this, the participants of the MSD, varied from organizations and institutions that strive for accessibility for pedestrians, transportation, people with disabilities, women, children as well as government institutions. Furthermore, as the final document will be a national technical guideline, participants came from various cities and provinces in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Ambon, Jogjakarta, Papua, Kalimantan Timur, Bali, and Manado, to name a few.

Figure 2: Participants of the Multi Stakeholder Dialogue

The agenda of the MSD started with an explanation of the background of the revision, the urgency of the revision, and the methodology used to revise the original document by Ibu Natalia Tanan from the Ministry of Public Works. Afterward, the main points of revision in the document were presented by Carlos Nemesis from ITDP to all the participants. These changes included additions of new and updated normative references, changes in principles regarding the planning and installation of guiding blocks, ramps, crossings, utility minimum widths of sidewalks to accommodate wheelchair users, the placement of bus stops on sidewalks, and mitigations of pedestrian space in construction areas and/or during repair work.

Figure 3: Discussions of breakout rooms in MSD

After the participants were informed regarding the overview of changes to the guidelines, the participants were then divided into 5 breakout rooms to have a detailed discussion of the draft document and to deliver their inputs and suggestions. Each breakout room was filled with organizations or institutions of similar characteristics and led by a facilitator and a co-facilitator. For example, breakout rooms 1 and 5 included organizations that advocated for the rights of people with disabilities, breakout room 2 was filled with organizations that have an interest in mobility development and pedestrian rights, breakout room 3 included women and children advocacy groups, while breakout room 4 was filled with government institutions. Due to this, each breakout room had different conversations which may be focused on the respective interest of the participants. Throughout the discussion, all inputs from participants were noted and put together on a google jamboard so that neighboring groups could also see each other’s discussions which may spark a new discussion in each respective group.

The Draft Revision of Circular Letter no. 2, 2018 regarding Technical guidelines for pedestrian facilities can be accessed here. If you have any suggestions on the draft revision of the technical guidelines for pedestrian facilities, kindly submit your suggestions and inputs by the 13th of May 2022 at bit.ly/masukanse2 or through the hotline at +6281282524246 if you wish to submit your suggestion verbally or written.


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