July 28, 2023

Gonggomtua Sitanggang, Interim Director of ITDP Indonesia Speaks on Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) Smart Mobility Workshop

The Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) held a workshop in smart mobility invited local government leaders and party members from six countries including Indonesia. ITDP Indonesia represented by Gonggomtua Sitanggang, interim director of ITDP Indonesia is one of the speakers for the workshop with the theme “Building Networks and Fostering Smart Mobility Solutions” alongside Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and GoJek.

Gonggom presented the needs for the the government to change mindset in the transport sector, which is to ensure public transport is accessible and inclusive. “This means that we should give priority in terms of facility provisions to transport modes based on its energy usage and emissions per passenger. We should give the highest priority on non-motorized transport such as walking, cycling, and followed by mass public transport system, and the last priority should be given to a private vehicles,” Gonggom emphasized.

Source: Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats Facebook Page

The CALD workshop delegates also signing pledge “Mobility for All Manifesto” to the 5-Point Action Plan to transform mobility: 1) mobility as a right; 2) public transportation as a backbone of mobility services; 3) building safe and walkable residential neighborhoods; 4) judicious use of digital technology; and 5) environmental sustainability and decarbonization.

Among the local leaders who signed the manifesto were Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, Mayor of Semarang, Indonesia, from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP); Mochamad Nur Arifin, Mayor of Trenggalek also from PDIP; Romtham Khumnurak, Member of Parliament from the Democrat Party Thailand (DP); Bartolome “Omie” Rivera, Jr., Mayor of San Mateo, Rizal from the Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP) and Dennis Hora, Councilor of Panglao, Bohol, also from the LP. Party leaders and liberal partners from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore also endorsed the document.

More about CALD Smart Mobility Workshop 


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