Author: Fani Rachmita

As many as 132 units of Transjakarta buses made in China have finally arrived in Jakarta. Currently, these buses have been placed in the pool on Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, East Jakarta. As planned, they will be operated in January 2014. Head of Land Transportation Section for Jakarta Transportation Department, Syafrin Liputo expressed the buses are…


Transjakarta has finally changed its institutional status from the government agency to City-Owned Enterprise, or BUMD in Indonesian term. This movement is following ITDP’s recommendation to the Jakarta city government back from 2011, in an attempt to increase the performance of Transjakarta BRT service, the only full-scale BRT in Indonesia. The transformation to BUMD is…

Jakarta Post – Celebrating its 10th anniversary in January, the Transjakarta Management Authority (BLU) received probably the best present ever: A new status as a city-owned company. The City Council recently passed a bylaw on the establishment of city-owned bus rapid transit operator PT Transjakarta, a move that is believed will improve the capital’s bus rapid transit system.

The BLU was previously a sub-unit under the auspices of the Jakarta Transportation Agency.Transjakarta bus has arguably become one of the favorite public transportation modes in the capital, home to more than 10 million people. Transjakarta BRT system was introduced by former governor Sutiyoso in 2004 as an alternative method to beat the frustrating traffic gridlock in Jakarta. The first route launched was Corridor 1 serving Blok M in South Jakarta and Kota in West Jakarta. After 10 years, Transjakarta now has 12 corridors — connecting every municipality in Jakarta, with 889 buses carrying more than 370,000 passengers daily.Transportation experts laud the endorsement of the bylaw as a positive signal to the city’s commuters who rely on public transportation to get about every day.

Jakarta – Direktur The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), Yoga Adiwinarto, menyebutkan, semakin parahnya kemacetan Jakarta akibat warga masih mudah dan murah untuk bawa kendaraan pribadi. Selain itu angkutan umum yang ada belum bisa diandalkan.

“Pemda DKI harus secepatnya memperbaiki kualitas angkutan umum non Transjakarta dan peningkatan kualitas Transjakarta. Ini yang bisa dilakukan dalam waktu dekat,” katanya kepadaBeritasatu di Jakarta, Senin (11/11).

Dia menyarankan Pemprov DKI juga membatasi pengguna kendaraan pribadi dengan pembatasan parkir dan tarif parkir mahal. Juga memahalkan penggunaan kendaraan pribadi dengan jalan berbayar



Jakarta — Salah satu program dari 17 kebijakan mengatasi kemacetan Jakarta oleh Wakil Presiden Boediono, yaitu sterilisasi jalur transjakarta, mulai menuai pro dan kontra. Tak sedikit yang menganggap kemacetan Jakarta yang semakin semrawut merupakan dampak dari realisasi kebijakan tersebut.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama mengatakan, Pemprov DKI lebih memprioritaskan para pengguna bus daripada pengguna kendaraan pribadi.

“Sekarang Anda pilih saja, misalnya busway lancar apa jalan lancar? Itu supaya orang mau berpindah naik bus,” kata Basuki di Balaikota Jakarta, Wednesday (13/11/2013).

Dalam menerapkan kebijakan tersebut, masyarakat hanya perlu beradaptasi dan membiasakan diri selama 2-3 bulan ke depan. Nantinya, Pemprov DKI akan menyediakan ratusan unit transjakarta. Dengan demikian, ia yakin masyarakat pengguna kendaraan pribadi akan iri dan beralih kepada transjakarta.

(Dok. Fithriansyah), Jakarta : Pengoperasian angkutan umum Metromini di Jakarta cukup semrawut. Guna membantu hal itu, Pemprov DKI Jakarta yang dipimpin Gubernur Joko Widodo atau Jokowi telah menawarkan 3 jalur kepada PT Metro Mini untuk berintegrasi dengan Transjakarta.

"Bahwa sudah menawarkan kepada PT Metromini memperbaiki manajemen. Kami dan ITDP (Institute for Transportation & Development Policy) juga usulkan 3 jalur integrasi dengan rute Transjakarta kepada para pemilik saham Metromini," ujar Kepala Bidang Angkutan Darat Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta Syafrin Liputo saat dihubungi di Jakarta, Minggu (29/9/2013).

Corry Elyda, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Jakarta | Tue, September 17 2013


The Jakarta administration and the City Council are altering the Transjakarta Management Body (BLU) into a city enterprise (BUMD) in order to improve services to public transportation.

Council deputy speaker Triwisaksana said on Monday that the councillors were currently deliberating the bylaw draft on the new city enterprise recently submitted by the administration.

“Tranjakarta as a public transportation entity has many flaws and all the flaws are caused by the unprofessional behavior of the officials.”

Transjakarta buses — one of essential public transport modes in the city — are suffering from declining service qualities. Classic problems like ill-maintained buses, unreliable schedules and the unenforced lane rules are still lingering in the daily service and have been for years.

The number of Transjakarta passengers also significantly declined by 25 percent from 400,000 people in 2012 to 300,000 this year.

Triwisaksana said that altering Transjakarta into a city-owned firm would enable the company to hire professionals outside the city administration and the fund management would also be more flexible.

Source: The Jakarta Post, Corry Elyda | Jakarta | Fri, August 23 2013, 12:02 PM

The Jakarta administration and its private partners are aiming to provide public bike services to support the integrated transportation system in the city and surrounding areas. Private partners are expected to cooperate with the banking sector to provide ready-for-use bikes in public places, including at bus and train stations for commuters to use to get to work. .

The country director of the Institute of Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), a Jakarta administration consultant team for transportation, said on Wednesday in a discussion between the city administration, some banks and advertising companies regarding the service implementation plan.

Yoga said his institution had designed 100 stations providing bicycles for commuters to travel from public bus and train stations to areas such as Jl. Jendral Sudirman and Jl. MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta.

“There will be around 20 bikes at one station for people to access and the payment system is based on amount of time people use them,” he said.

ITDP estimated that the first 30 minutes would be free and one hour would cost Rp 2,000 (18 US cents), Rp 3,000 for 2 hours, Rp 20,000 for three hours and so on.


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