Author: Naura Fadhilla

TUMI E-Bus Mission memberikan dukungan teknis di 21 kota deep-dive dan meningkatkan inisiatif ke lebih dari 500 kota jejaring (city network) dengan tujuan pengadaan 100.000 bus listrik secara global pada tahun 2025. Di Indonesia, dukungan teknis yang mendalam telah diberikan kepada kota Jakarta dan 7 kota jejaring terpilih yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dan peningkatan kapasitas,bertujuan untuk…

Dalam rangka memastikan adanya urgensi untuk membangun transportasi publik berbasis jalan dan pentingnya beralih menuju teknologi transportasi yang lebih bersih, Institute of Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) berkolaborasi dengan Kementerian Perhubungan dan Busworld Southeast Asia menyelenggarakan diskusi-diskusi panel di acara Busworld Southeast Asia Conference di JIEXPO Kemayoran pada tanggal 5-6 Oktober 2022, dan dilanjutkan ekskursi…

Sejak 2016, ITDP telah mendampingi pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam mewujudkan transportasi yang berkelanjutan dan berkeadilan. Pendampingan tersebut berawal dari  penyusunan rekomendasi pengembangan angkutan massal Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) dan non-motorized transportation (kendaraan tidak bermotor) dan dilanjutkan dengan penyusunan dokumen As Is untuk menilai pelayanan Trans Semarang dengan menggunakan Peraturan walikota No 3 Tahun 2017 Tentang…

Two and three wheelers are the most common and accessible transportation modes used by people from lower-middle-income countries. However, the ease of access provided by 2&3 wheelers vehicles has not been a guarantee of safety for its users, as well as the other road users. As part of the “No and Low Emissions Mobility” program,…

Since July 2021, ITDP has been working with the Ministry of Public Works, the National Public Accessibility Movement (GAUN), and UN Women to revise the technical guidelines for pedestrian facilities, as the current version does not ensure universal access for all users, specifically vulnerable groups such as women, children, elderly and people with disabilities. In…

As part of the UK PACT programme completion activities, ITDP Indonesia conducted a workshop to disseminate all findings and end results to project beneficiaries, which are the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta Transport Agency, and Ride-Hailing Operators (Grab and Gojek), as well as to other relevant stakeholders from the national government, local government, and energy companies. …

The third day of the workshops in the “Jakarta E-Mobility Event” was held on March 9th, 2022, with the agenda of “Technology Selection and Business Model for Electric Buses and Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Sharing”. This virtual workshop was attended by several stakeholders, including TransJakarta, city officials, bus operators, OEMs, and APMs. Yoga Adiwinarto, Director of Operations…

The last workshop of the Jakarta E-mobility Event was held today, with the agenda of disseminating findings on Transjakarta’s e-bus recommendation and toolkit for e-buses adoption in Indonesian cities. 6 cities (Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar) were invited to join a peer-to-peer discussion on the city-level feasibility of bus electrification. The event was opened…


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