Author: Nneka Njoku

Officials pull out statistics to prove that the Ambedkar Nagar-Oberoi Hotel stretch has claimed 101 lives in six years. It was always a killer road and the BRT has nothing to do with it, they clarify In an amazing revelation, the Delhi Government yesterday said a total of 101 people were killed in accidents on…

An electronic fare collection system (EFCS) for public transport modes should be formalised by the first quarter of this year, says Department of Transport director for public transport policies Ibrahim Seedat. “Our country needs a national ticketing standard with the impending roll- out of public transport systems and has to grapple with what kind of…

A bit of good news about prospects for green cities comes from an unlikely place—Dubai. In itself, Dubai is perhaps the most unsustainable place on Earth, a city lavishly built with oil money where everyone’s air conditioner runs full tilt 24/7/365. That’s what’s so amazing about the recent International Herald Tribune report about plans for…

Americans as a whole have not traditionally looked to France as a country of innovation. But transport has been an exception to this rule, with the TGV high speed train and the Paris metro, long seen as models in their industries, as well as the Smart Car, the squat ultra-compact that debuted in France and…

Bobo radical: Paul Steely White in the Chelsea offices of Transportation Alternatives.  “I notice when I am riding that I run a lot of red lights,” the 6-foot-2 Paul Steely White shouted over his shoulder. “The way I think of it, it is more important to watch out for pedestrians than lights, because there are…

As Asian cities demonstrate their development through an extensive network of expressways and flyovers, Paris, recipient of the World Sustainable Transportation Award, shows the way forward to making our cities more livable… On January 14, 2008, the city of Paris received The World Sustainable Transportation Award from the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy in…

Como parte do apoio do Instituto de Política de Desenvolvimento e Transportes (ITDP) à Prefeitura de São Paulo, e junto aos esforços da Hewlett Foundation e a Clinton Climate Initiative, o ITDP foi incentivado por autoridades municipais a analisar o sistema de trólebus existente na cidade. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor recomendações em relação à modernização, readequação ou…

An electronic fare collection system (EFCS) for South Africa’s new, and existing, public transport modes should be formalised by the first quarter of this year, Department of Transport director for public transport policies Ibrahim Seedat said on Wednesday. He said that the country would need a national ticketing standard with the impending roll out of…

Signs of the times: Oil has hit the previously unimaginable price of $100 a barrel. The term “global warming” has become part of our vernacular. And the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to those warning of the perils of global disregard for Earth. In Lane County, however, one sign of the times is bright…


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