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Author: Nneka Njoku
TPR spoke with Executive Director Walter Hook about what the Third World is learning from the West, and what the West—and L.A.—can learn from the Third World. Last month the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) sponsored a talk by former Mayor of Bogotá Enrique Peñalosa, which attracted a large audience of transportation experts,…
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The earthquake triggered a series of massive tsunamis that spread throughout the Indian Ocean, killing large numbers of people and devastating coastal communities across South and Southeast Asia, including parts of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. Recent numbers show a total of 229,866 people were lost, including 186,983 dead and 42,883 missing. The magnitude…
On May 17th, 2006, the Delhi High Court passed an order directing the Municipal Corporation of Delhi – (1) “not to grant any licenses in future for plying Cycle Rickshaws on Delhi roads”, and (2) complete ban on plying of cycle rickshaws in ‘Chandni Chowk’ area (Walled City) and introduce the CNG buses in the area to replace rickshaws.”…
A decade ago, the Bosa slum was the black hole of Bogotá. Its darkest corner was Laurel Park, a grassless, trash-strewn lot with open sewage and gun-toting gangs bent on muggings and murder. Today, Bosa has paved streets, new schools, health clinics and cafeterias, and links to a new mass transit system. Laurel Park has…
A court ban and motor-vehicle-driven transport and road development policies of the government are driving rickshaws towards an uncertain future. This puts at stake the livelihood of lakhs of rickshaw-pullers in the city. Though no official data is available, it is estimated that there are six lakh cycle-rickshaws (only 89,429 are licensed) and four lakh…
Bill Clinton, a man whose self-deprecating charm has carried him far in life, likes to tell a story about his appearance on a Shanghai radio show. It was a historic event: The president of the United States would field questions from everyday citizens in a nation notorious for its tight lock on information. But to Clinton’s…
Letter from the Executive Director: Discovering Magic in the Cities of Tomorrow • The Bicycle: Ready for Rollout in Brazil • Now “Made in China”: Bus Rapid Transit • South Africa’s Legacy or Lost Opportunity?: The 2010 World Cup and Beyond • The BRT Buzz in India • City Center Revitalization: Tapping São Paulo’s Global…