Across the United States, major cities are in a race to build the country’s first Gold Standard BRT. From Boston to San Francisco, community groups and transportation departments are evaluating options for BRT corridors, many of which have the potential to be score high enough on the BRT Standard to be Gold Standard. With Chicago’s…
Author: Nneka Njoku
Bus rapid transit has grown by 383 percent in the last ten years, according to new data released by ITDP. As cities around the world discover the benefits and cost effectiveness of BRT, they have built hundreds of systems across dozens of countries that qualify as true BRT. A new interactive map shows a comprehesive…
BRT systems are growing rapidly, bringing comfortable, fast, high quality transport to millions of people in some of the world’s fastest growing nations, at a fraction of the cost of metro and light rail. 1,849 of the 2,580 km of true BRT corridors have been built in the last ten years, with sweeping growth in many countries around…
EcoParq é um sistema de parquímetros na Cidade do México, cuja primeira aplicação piloto foi no bairro de Polanco, em 2012. O sistema usa parquímetros multivagas para regular e precificar as vagas de estacionamento, substituindo o sistema informal que é comum no México e na América Latina. A intenção do ecoParq é acalmar o movimento nas ruas ao organizar…
The document reviews approaches for Urban Mobility Plans (UMP) from various countries and showcases a growing number of examples calling for a shift away from the traditional, infrastructure-oriented approach towards sustainable and people-oriented planning. Urban Mobility Plans are used as planning tool and policy instrument to guide the development of transport in urban areas and…
With transit-oriented development (TOD) catching on around the world, more and more cities are making an effort to combine transit planning and urban development. Among the cities looking to TOD as a solution is Almaty, Kazakhstan. As one of the biggest cities in Central Asia, Almaty is facing rapid motorization and increased urban sprawl. In…
A Ferramenta de Avaliação de Inserção Urbana foi desenvolvida para avaliar empreendimentos habitacionais do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (Faixa 1) do ponto de vista urbanístico, antes de serem aprovados e construídos. Seu objetivo é oferecer parâmetros objetivos para a avaliação da localização, integração com o entorno e desenho urbano dos empreendimentos, a fim de serem utilizados tanto pelas equipes técnicas de aprovação…
By Aswathy Dilip, ITDP India Chennai is witnessing a transformation. Chennai Corporation (as the city government is known) is reclaiming precious road space from chaotic traffic, unregulated parking, and haphazardly placed utilities to create wide, continuous, and accessible footpaths—prioritizing people over cars. This radical approach of designing streets is a part of the Corporation’s…
The Global Environmental Facility (GEF), a partnership for international cooperation where 183 countries work together with international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector, to address global environmental issues, is on the verge of adopting a new pilot program that has promise to scale up sustainable transportation faster and more effectively. Since 1991, the GEF…