Author: Nneka Njoku

Major flaws have been revealed in the operations of the new TransJakarta busway route linking South Jakarta and West Jakarta, only a month after its opening. A lack of traffic lights and the presence of road obstacles and private motor vehicles on the route have proven to be significant potholes impeding the smooth flow of…

Taxi drivers, owners and marshals will gather in Marshaltown at 4am on Tuesday to march against the system. The forum said there was no government consultation regarding the implementation of the system, claiming it would lead to massive job losses within the industry. “The government went ahead and introduced the BRT without thoroughly explaining to…

The Transjakarta busway management body (BLU) launched a so-called 24-hour hotline Tuesday to field complaints from Transjakarta commuters, but users have had to be patient to get through. The hotline, at (021) 7228727, has actually been displayed on posters inside the Transjakarta buses for years now. When The Jakarta Post tried the number, an operator…

Durante una hora el ex alcalde de Bogotá y gestor del Transmilenio, Enrique Peñalosa, estuvo ayer en Cali recorriendo el Sistema Integrado de Transporte Masivo de la ciudad, al cual elogió e hizo observaciones para mejorarlo. “Yo creo que el MIO es el comienzo del renacimiento de Cali. Va ser uno de los mejores sistemas…

Durante sua visita a Bogotá, entre os dias 5 e 7, o prefeito Nelson Trad Filho e o diretor presidente da Agência Municipal de Transporte e Trânsito (Agetran), Rudel Trindade, realizaram um passeio ciclístico de duas horas e meia de duração, percorrendo 50 dos 300 km de ciclovias que cortam a cidade como parte do…

TAXI operators today warned that another strike was imminent, after a threat from Cape Town Mayor Helen Zille to call in the army to clamp down on taxi associations that threatened to sow chaos on the city’s road. News of another planned strike was disclosed ahead of the National Taxi Association (NTA) meeting which was…

About 60 cycling enthusiasts spent their Sunday morning exploring the heritage buildings in Lutyens’ Delhi on bicycles. The twin objectives—heritage & history and health—both of body and planet—were achieved as part of the ‘Heritage Cycling Ride’ organised by the Delhi Cycling Club. The motley group included IT sector’s workaholic young professionals, never-without-my-car company executives, short-of-time…

NEW DELHI: A heritage cycling ride was organised in the heart of the Capital by Delhi Cycling Club on Sunday. The event was supported by Open Planning Project and Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. The aim of the ride was to promote bicycle as a green, healthy and most sustainable mode of transport and…

Four very different speakers, with different backgrounds and from three different cities, traveled to Los Angeles to inspire local cyclists to bring change to our streets.  While each of these leaders told different stories and had different experiences, each had a common theme: to see the change we want, we need an educated and inspired…


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