Se você esta no Brasil e quiser receber uma copia do Manual, basta preencher o formulário disponível no seguinte site do Ministério das Cidades: Manual de BRT: Guia de Planejamento A versão em lingua portuguesa do “Manual de BRT,” publicado pelo Ministerio das Cidades em cooperação com o ITDP, foi lançado dia 11 de Fevereiro…
Author: Nneka Njoku
These were the words that kicked off the lecture/presentation/self-help seminar by Enrique Peñalosa, former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, last Thursday night at the Boston Public Library. The quote was unattributed, but the idea of happiness formed the nucleus of Mr. Peñalosa’s philosophy of people-centered urbanism. Using photos and examples of projects in cities around the…
In what ended up being standing room only seating, Enrique Peñalosa gave a stirring speech last night at the Boston Public Library. Over the course of a three hour period he kept the large audience enraptured to hear about his philosophy on urban planning, and his stories of Bogota, and other cities and what they…
Till a few years ago, Bogota, the capital of Colombia (a Latin American country that has been the scene of much civil unrest for over half a century), and its nearly seven million inhabitants had a quality of life no better than that of large sections of the lower middle class and the poor in…
The Metrobus project of the Istanbul administration authority was recently given an award during the presentation of the Sustainable Transport Awards in Washington D.C. This award is presented to projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of life in the inner areas of major cities worldwide. The Mercedes-Benz CapaCity impressively demonstrates the…
Moverse es uno de los temas que constituyen, estructuran y hablan del estado de las ciudades. En Guadalajara evidentemente cojeamos desde hace tiempo en asuntos de movilidad. Como ejemplo: el parque vehicular se duplicó en siete años, de 700 mil que había en 2000, para 2008 eran un millón 600 mil. La desproporcionada inversión en…
(Stuttgart, Germany) – Das Metrobus-Projekt der Stadtverwaltung Istanbul wurde kürzlich bei der Verleihung des Sustainable Transport Awards in Washington D.C. mit einem Preis ausgezeichnet. Dieser Preis wird Projekten verliehen, die Treibhausgase reduzieren und die Lebensqualität in Innenstädten von großen Metropolen weltweit verbessern. In der Begründung hob die Jury hervor, dass Istanbul mit dem 2007 in…
(León, Gto) – El Municipio invertirá 900 mil pesos en un estudio para actualizar el Plan Maestro de Ciclovías de la ciudad. Al frente del proyecto se encuentra el colombiano Guillermo Peñaloza Cortés, director general de la asociación canadiense Walk and Bike for Life, quien es originario de la ciudad de Bogotá. Al igual que…
It was a quiet Sunday morning in the usually busy street of Jl. Jend. Sudirman. There were no cars, just Transjakarta buses and crowds of people in some of the bus shelters along Corridor 1. Many Jakartans, young and old, men and women alike, grasped cleaning equipment, coming together to clean some of the Transjakarta…