ITDP’s publications support our work implementing sustainable urban development around the world. ITDP produces a range of materials for use by governments, industry professionals, and the public. Our work includes establishing industry standards, highlighting best practices, producing reports and recommendations on specific policies and projects, and raising awareness through informational articles and multimedia. Our work provides the tools for local actors to design and advocate for progressive transport solutions. Use the search bar below, or browse by publication type on the right.

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Recent Publications

  • Pedestrians First: A New Tool for Walkable Cities

    Pedestrians First: A New Tool for Walkable Cities
    With the urban share of the world’s population expected to increase to 70 percent by 2050, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy is introducing a new tool to help governments, city planners, NGOs, and developers make cities more equitable, healthy, safe, and vibrant. The simple solution? Walkability. The new tool, Pedestrians First: Tools for a Walkable City will facilitate the understanding ...
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  • 18th Asian Games Jakarta Public Transport Guide 2018

    18th Asian Games Jakarta Public Transport Guide 2018
    Asian Games merupakan pesta olahraga terbesar setelah acara Olimpiade, yang diselenggarakan oleh Dewan Olimpiade Asia setiap empat tahun. Asian Games 2018 yang diadakan di Kota Jakarta dan Palembang merupakan Asian Games yang ke-18 dari tanggal 18 Agustus 2018 hingga 2 September 2018. Arena pertandingan tersebar di berbagai belahan Kota Jakarta, seperti Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta International ...
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  • ITDP Bikeshare Planning Guide

    ITDP Bikeshare Planning Guide
    Sumber daya untuk kota-kota untuk merancang, merencanakan, mengimplementasikan sertamengukur keberhasilan sistem bikeshare Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, bikeshare telah memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap mobilitas berkelanjutan di kota-kota, beberapa manfaatnya antara lain: menyediakan solusi kilometer pertama-terakhir, menggantikan perjalanan singkat yang biasa dilakukan dengan kendaraan bermotor, dan menawarkan cara yang unik bagi penduduk dan wisatawan untuk menjelajahi lingkungan mereka. ...
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  • Optimalisasi Sistem Dockless Bikeshare di Perkotaan

    Optimalisasi Sistem Dockless Bikeshare di Perkotaan
    Teknologi baru dan model bisnis inovatif telah mengubah lanskap bikeshare. Sistem dockless bikeshare meningkatkan visibilitas dan menempatkan sepeda perkotaan dalam berbagai kota di seluruh dunia. Perusahaan dockless bikeshare mengklaim untuk menyediakan bikeshare secara menguntungkan bagi pihak kota (yaitu, tanpa subsidi) dan menciptakan potensi bagi bikeshare untuk menjadi pilihan transportasi yang cepat terukur di kota-kota. Namun, pertanyaan baru ...
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  • Elevated BRT: Is Higher Better? Lessons from China and Indonesia

    Elevated BRT: Is Higher Better? Lessons from China and Indonesia
    This paragraph below is an excerpt from an article titled “Elevated BRT: Is Higher Better? Lessons from China and Indonesia. ” from Sustainable Transport Magazine Issue 29, 2018. ” Elsewhere in Asia, the massive metropolis of Jakarta started riding BRT in 2004. Since then, the Indonesian capital has developed a citywide mass transport system with 12 BRT corridors, ...
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  • The New, Improved, Online BRT Planning Guide 2017

      The Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide is the most comprehensive resource for planning a bus rapid transit (BRT) system, beginning with project preparation all the way through to implementation. Beginning with an overview of BRT, the Planning Guide proceeds to give a step-by-step description of the planning process, including operational design, financial modeling, physical design, multi-modal ...
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  • TOD Standard 3.0

    TOD Standard 3.0 adalah sebuah upaya penyempurnaan kawasan transit menjadi complete communities. Membangun kawasan transit yang dapat dihuni oleh beragam level pendapatan dan dengan beragam fasilitas publik di dalamnya. TOD Standard dibuat berdasarkan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dari banyak organisasi di seluruh dunia termasuk ITDP sendiri. Dokumen ini mencoba memformulasikan pola pembangunan yang memaksimalkan manfaat dari sistem angkutan ...
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  • Park it Right!

    In most Indian cities, parked vehicles dominate the public realm by consuming more and more of our cherished parks, plazas, streets and common spaces. Each parking space consumes from 15m2 to 30m2, and the average motorist ...
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  • The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Standard 2014

    The BRT Standard is an evaluation tool for world-class bus rapid transit (BRT) based on international best practices. It is also the centerpiece of a global effort by leaders in bus rapid transit design to establish a common definition of BRT and ensure that BRT systems more uniformly deliver world-class passenger experiences, significant economic benefits, and positive ...
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  • Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Standard Version 2.0

    The TOD Standard is a powerful tool to help shape and assess urban development. It focuses on maximizing the benefits of public transit and non-motorized mobility while placing the emphasis firmly back on the users: people. The Standard outlines eight core principles of urban design and land use, each supported by specific performance objectives and ...
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