Road Map and Timetable of Two-Wheeler Electrification in Greater Jakarta

September, 2023

Given the number of motorcycles in Jakarta–13.3 million units as of 2016–the mode is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the city. It is clear that a shift to cleaner fuel options is urgently needed for the mode. Unfortunately, Indonesia currently lags behind in electric vehicle (EV) adoption. E-motorcycle uptake is only 0.14%, a long way from the government’s target to electrify 2.1 million motorcycles by 2025.

Currently, instead of developing clear policies, roadmaps, and targets, the government relies solely on market forces to accelerate two-wheeler electrification. Meanwhile, the market employs a wait-and-see attitude due to the lack of commitment shown by the national government in accelerating e-mobility, lack of charging facility, high EV prices compared to conventional vehicles, and the absence of an after-sales market. The electrification of ride-hailing motorcycles, which offers an economy of scale and initial demand for the e-motorcycles, could support the e-mobility ecosystem and kickstart the massive adoption of EV, in particular e-motorcycles, in Indonesia.


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