Our resources are used by governments and educational institutions to improve cities across the region. These include a wide array of pictures, infographics, reports, and additional websites.

Our toolkit on how to develop non-motorised strategies includes global case studies on NMT policies and strategies in different regions of the world, with a great focus on cities in Indonesia. The toolkit also illustrates sustainable and practical NMT designs, design review processes, and stakeholder involvement.

The children’s health and mobility toolkit promotes safety and universal access for children in Indonesia cities. The toolkit can be tailored to local contexts taking into consideration, the stakeholder’s wants and needs. ITDP supports the protection of the most vulnerable users and safe access for children traveling via walking, cycling, and public transport.

Photos showcasing streets, pedestrian infrastructure, and transportation in Indonesia cities can be accessed here. Our blogpost focus on developing pedestrian-based transport solutions and sustainable public transport.

We are always working on new solutions, for any queries on our work, kindly reach out to us.