
A fire burned the rear section of a Transjakarta bus on Jl. Urip Sumoharjo in East Jakarta on Tuesday night, a fireman says.
No casualties were reported in the incident.

“The back of the bus was gutted,” East Jakarta firemen Kaswin said Tuesday as quoted by
Kaswin said the bus was on its way to the depot and its driver had already told its passengers to disembark after he noticed something wrong with the bus.

The fire had engulfed the rear section before the bus could get back to the depot. No report was made on any attempts by the driver to extinguish the blaze himself, or whether the bus was equipped with a fire extinguisher. Previously, several other Transjakarta buses have been destroyed by fire, some of which were thought to have been sparked by electrical faults.


JAKARTA – Sejumlah tokoh yang disebut-sebut akan maju dalam Pemilihan Gubernur (Pilgub) DKI Jakarta 2012 sudah mulai menyusun program unggulan. Pengembangan transportasimassalmenjadiprioritas untuk mengurangi kemacetan. Wakil Ketua DPRD DKI Jakarta Triwisaksana mengatakan, solusi untuk mengurangi kemacetan adalah pengembangan transportasi massal. “Selama ini masyarakat belum puas dengan kenyamanan bus Transjakarta, bus kota,kereta. Agar masyarakat tidak untuk…


TANGERANG–MICOM: Sekitar 500 angkutan kota akan berkurang di Kota Tangerang, Banten, bila Buslane beroperasi melayani penumpang dari Terminal Poris Plawad, Kecamatan Cipondoh menuju Terminal Kalideres, Jakarta Barat dan sebaliknya. "Berdasarkan perkiraan kami ada sekitar 500 angkutan kota (angkot) akan berkurang jika "Buslane" dioperasikan," kata Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Pemkot Tangerang, Gatot Suprijanto ditemui Senin (10/10).


Jakarta – Minggu (9/10) kemarin, 2 pejalan kaki tewas tertabrak bus TransJakarta. Pejalan kaki nekat menyeberang jalur khusus bus TransJakarta alias busway lantaran minimnya jembatan penyeberangan orang (JPO). Sangat disayangkan, masih banyak JPO yang tak bersinergi dengan pedestrian (pejalan kaki). "Kita tidak pernah mensinergikan pembangunan busway dan pedestrian. Sepertinya tidak pernah dilihat apakah jembatan penyeberangan…


TANGERANG – Keberadaan sarana transportasi massal di daerah penyangga Ibu Kota Jakarta kian mendesak. Selain untuk mengatasi kemacetan di Jakarta, transportasi massal juga dibutuhkan untuk mengantisipasi problem kemacetan jangka panjang di daerah. Dari tiga wilayah yang ada di Tangerang, misalnya Kabupaten Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, dan Kota Tangerang Selatan, hingga kini baru Kota Tangerang yang punya…


An accident involving public transportation left four people dead on Sunday, which an expert said was the result of a lack of discipline among road users. Ayuningtyas, a 17-year-old high school student, died after being run over by a Transjakarta bus on Jl. Jatinegara Barat, East Jakarta, early on Sunday. East Jakarta Police traffic division…


Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo reprimands TransJakarta Public Service Agency (BLU) management regarding a number of accidents which involved TransJakarta’s bus. He requested TransJakarta bus drivers should prioritize the passengers and people’s safety to minimize accident. Moreover, he also asked the current management to be improved immediately.

“After I received accident report on Sunday (10/9), I directly reprimand TransJakarta BLU. Safety must be the main priority,” he stated at the City Hall, Monday (10/10).


A 17-year-old girl died on Sunday morning after she was struck by a TransJakarta bus on Jl. Jatinegara Barat, East Jakarta.

The girl, identified as Ayuningtyas, was standing on a 15-centimeter high divider and preparing to cross the busway's dedicated lane when the bus hit her at about 6:30 a.m.

The police are questioning the bus driver and have held the bus for investigators, reported.


Jakarta Capital City Government is providing macro transportation pattern (PTM) which operates Transjakarta bus service to parse traffic congestion in Jakarta. Since 2004 until now, Jakarta Capital City Government has operated 10 corridors of Tranajakarta bus. At the end of year, Transjakarta Public Service Agency (BLU) plans to re-operate Corridor XI (Kampung Melayu-Pulogebang). Recently, the…


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