December 22, 2008

Project Summary

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

New developments in the urban transport sector in Indonesia promise to counter the trend of increasing traffic congestion and air pollution in urban area. Jakarta's nascent bus rapid transit (BRT) system has begun to reallocate scarce road space in the center of the city to efficient public transportation.


The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy and its partners, provide technical support for the Jakarta BRT with aims to maximize effectiveness of the Jakarta BRT and use it as a catalyst for urban transport reform in Jakarta and other key Indonesian cities.


The project objectives directly contribute to increased sustainable transport by encouraging modal shift from private motorized vehicles to public transport. Increasing the operational efficiency of Jakarta’s BRT will increase the speed and capacity of the system, both of which are currently reducing potential ridership.


Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Program

NMT facilities provision is an integral part of BRT system development.  It can induce more NMT feeder traffic to the BRT system in the most environmental sustainable manner.

The provision of such facilities has been demanded since the initiation of the1st corridor of Jakarta BRT. Although several improvements in scattered area, there is still lack of integration between BRT and both pedestrian and bicycle as the main mode of NMT transport in Jakarta. ITDP Indonesia together with tis partners will work on master plan for bicycle lane facilities BRT corridors and making urban park connection in central Jakarta as means of BRT feeder system . 

Transport Demand Management (TDM)

Apart from bus rapid transit, the project will explicitly support the development of non-motorized transportation systems and infrastructure, transit oriented development and transportation demand management to reduce use of private motor vehicles. Improvements in these areas will provide critical complements to BRT development.

ITDP Indonesia focuses on two major issues in relation to Transport Demand Management which are parking zones and electronic road pricing (ERP) to replace the three-in-one (carpooling) system as a means to reduce use of private motor vehicles.


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