May 30, 2013

Reconsider The Value of Space (60 Minutes for Public Space)



ITDP partnering with Green Radio andTransJakarta invites Jakarta residents to participate in Park (ing) Day event. Park(ing) Day is a public awareness campaign by cities around the world brings about the issue of reclaiming the space and reconsider the value of space which objective is to draw attention to the need of public and open space, to generate critical debate about how public space is created and allocated, and to improve the quality of urban life.

Since its inception in 2005 by Rebar Studio in San Francisco, the implementation of Park (ing) Day spread throughout the world, in 2011 975 installations scattered Park (ing) day in more than 160 cities on six continents. Location of park (ing) day, photos and videos distributed via the web site Rebar:, but it ITDP also participated spread through facebook page Park (ing) day Indonesia ( / ParkingDayIndonesia and itdpindonesia with hashtag # parkingday . Besides ITDP Indonesia, ITDP representative offices in Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro are also participating and organizing Park(ing) Day to improve and increase the number of public space in each of these cities.


The main objective of Park (ing) Day is prioritizing public space for human interaction than to give it to private motor vehicles. The parking management system reform in Jakarta is the initial test for the will and political leadership of the elected Governor of DKI Jakarta 2012-2017 period on the promise to fix the transportation system in Jakarta so as to give more space for public.

As part of the transport demand management (TDM), an ideal parking management can increase revenue through a levy as well as a tool for controlling the use of private vehicles. Therefore ITDP with TDM Coalition proposes some suggestions for parking in a draft regulation that was adopted from 2011 to date have not been approved by the City Council, the entries are:

• Determination of tariff through parking zoning to restrict the entry of vehicles into the city center
• Use advanced technology (smart cards, parking machines, etc.) to manage the parking (especially on-street)
• Progressive tariff system for denser areas
• Changing regulations required to the provision of a minimum set of parking spaces (SRP) in the building/ activity center to limit the number of SRP on the building / activity center
• Provision of park and ride facilities for commuters, especially from Jakarta suburb
• Improve means of mass transportation, sidewalks and bike lanes as an alternative provision for public transport
• Convert the function of the parking lot (especially illegal parking lots) into sidewalks, bike paths, parks or open spaces for community interaction
• Planning for an integrated parking area along with building and pavement
• Transparency regarding charges derived from the parking lot and ensure it goes to community development
• Law enforcement for any violations of parking regulations

Download the Press Release Here

Parking Day Photos



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