Author: Nneka Njoku

群力新区是哈尔滨市城市总体规划中确定的近期重点开发建设的新区。群力新 区位于松花江南岸,哈尔滨市道里区西部。东起何家沟,西至规划四环路,南 起哈双北线,北至江南群力堤,总用地面积 27.33 km2,规划人口32万。 本着可持续发展的交通政策和观点及以人为本的目的,为了更好的将亚洲发展 银行可持续交通研究项目的成果更好的和哈尔滨新区建设有效结合,将群力新 区设计为不是为了解决短期的车辆交通阻塞,而是为了建成一个我们梦想的可 居住的和有吸引力的城市新区,受哈尔滨市群力新区开发建设管理办公室的委 托,开展本咨询研究工作。 我单位联合ITDP(交通政策和发展研究所)、国外咨询公司和北京卓星工程 咨询有限责任公司共同对部分道路设计和交通规划进行优化设计咨询。

In the early 1980s, owning a motorcycle was equivalent in status terms to having an expensive imported car today. During the reform and opening‐up period in the 1980s, motorcycles gradually began to enter millions of households.  Faced with very rapid increases in the motorcycle vehicle fleet, the city perceived a number of problems associated with motorcycles. Due to…

We recently delivered a number of bikes, in person, to people living in Tanzania. The delivery was part of our ongoing Wheels 4 Villages project. The culture here is such that many people within the community are more than happy to share their bikes. This is wonderful to see; when a person is given a…

Ahead of the inauguration of a new Bus Rapid Transit route in Lagos, a new group, Igbatuntun City Bus Cooperative Society that will operate the Iyana Ipaja-Ikotun mass transit buses, has been formed. The new corridor, which will stretch to Igando, Iyana Iba, Ipaja, Ayobo and Maryland, would open for operation this month with 50…

With a population of nearly 2.5 million inhabitants, Cali is ranked as the third most important city in Colombia after Bogota and Medellin respectively. It is now the third city in Colombia to implement a bus rapid transit (BRT) system.  Called MIO, phase one opened in February to public excitement and fanfare after many months…

More than 50 supporters of the environmental organization World Wildlife Fund (WWF), gathered at a South Jakarta mall Wednesday to fold old newspapers into paper bags. Celebrating Earth Day, which fell on Wednesday, WWF-Indo-nesia invited people to Caf* Walk at Plaza Semanggi to make paper bags out of old newspapers to distribute, for free, to…

Jakarta’s administration should focus on one public transportation project at a time, to avoid projects being half completed and unsuccessful, like the waterway and monorail projects, urban planning experts said Wednesday. Despite worsening traffic conditions in the city, the administration has not yet managed to develop any form of efficient public transportation, said urban planning…

The city administration has expanded its controversial car-free day program from just once a month to twice monthly. The Jakarta Environmental Management Board, or BPLHD, announced on Thursday that it had scaled back the ban on vehicles on the main Jalan Sudirman-Jalan Thamrin thoroughfare during the last Sunday of every month, but would now bar…

Jacob Zuma’s ride to South Africa’s presidency may be smooth. Retaining the support and admiration of his fanatical following while in office, however, will certainly not be as easy. And Mr Zuma is already having a taste of the Herculean challenges that could be awaiting him, while at the helm. Striking a balance between protecting…


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