PUNE: With several questions being raised over the feasibility of BRTS, which is being implemented in Pune and Delhi, corporators in Pimpri-Chinchwad have now advised the Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation to “go slow” on the project. The immediate concern of the corporators is two-fold, First, availability of funds for the project and, secondly, whether the civic…
Author: Nneka Njoku
NEW YORK, NY January 14, 2009 —New York has become the first U.S. city to win an international sustainable transit award. WNYC’s Andrea Bernstein has more. REPORTER: Despite failing in its signature transportation initiative this year –- congestion pricing -– New York City beat out Mexico City and Istanbul. The Institute for Transportation Development Policy…
New York yesterday became the first U.S. city to win the Transportation Research Board’s Sustainable Transport Award. The nonprofit, an arm of the National Research Council, gave New York the nod for reducing auto emissions by replacing road space with bike lanes, pedestrian areas and public plazas, introducing bus rapid transit and adding more hybrids…
Milano ha ricevuto una menzione speciale per l’introduzione dell’Ecopass e per l’avvio del bike sharing dalla Sustainable transport award committe, la commissione internazionale che si occupa dello sviluppo del trasporto sostenibile Lo rende noto la stessa amministrazione comunale che spiega che l’organismo, riunitosi nella serata di ieri a Washington, ha riconosciuto a Milano il forte…
El autobús BTR de Estambul, las restricciones de tráfico de Pekín, el Ecopass de Milán, la construcción de carriles bici de Nueva York o la expansión del metrobus de México D.F. son algunas de las prácticas que han llevado a estas cinco ciudades a optar por el ‘Sustainable Transport Award’, el premio de transporte sostenible…
New York City’s sustainability efforts under its comprehensive PlaNYC 2030 boosted it above Beijing, which scrambled to clean up its air before hosting the Olympics, and three other international nominees for the Sustainable Transport Award. The first U.S. city to win this annual award, New York took the honors yesterday in a Washington, D.C. ceremony…
Last night, New York City was the first city in the United States to be awarded the international Sustainable Transport Award. The award honours the city for adopting transportation strategies that work towards decreasing air pollution, and slowing down climate change. In NYC, there was a boom of new public transportation riders thanks to newer…
Ganhador 2009 Cidade de Nova York, USA Durante o 2008, a cidade continuou a implantar o PlaNYC 2030, seu plano de sustentabilidade ao longo prazo. A cidade transformou 20 hectares de espaço viário – faixas de trânsito e lugares de estacionamento – utilizados pelos veículos privados e os devolveu ao público em forma de ciclovias,…
Washington, January 13 – interview: Beijing develops the mass transit to be in keeping with the trends in the world vigorously – to visit Beijing Jiaotong University Yangtze River scholar award scheme professor in the thunder Xinhua News Agency Reporter Ren Haijun Because the Chinese Beijing and the Turkish Istanbul and so on 4 cities…