About the Webinar

The “Access for All: Access and Gender” paper, co-authored by ITDP and WEDO, distills how transportation systems have failed to account for diverse mobility patterns and needs, and provides key recommendations to promote gender-responsive actions. During this webinar, we will discuss how transit-oriented development (TOD) provides integrated urban places that bring together people, activities, services and more, but it does not inherently lead to social inclusion and equality. Our session will review gender aspects of sustainable mobility and specifically, how the effects of climate change on cities and transportation systems disproportionately affect women.

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About the Presenters

Aimee Gauthier Chief Knowledge Officer, ITDP Global

Aimée mengelola ITDP global inisiasi, program kebijakan internasional, program kepemimpinan dan inovasi, serta penelitian dan proyek-proyek global. Beliau bertanggung jawab atas implementasi dan penyelarasan program dan praktik di seluruh organisasi melalui komunikasi, pemantauan, dan evaluasi yang efektif. Aimée juga berperan penting dalam advokasi internasional ITDP, menggalang dukungan untuk transportasi berkelanjutan dan pembangunan perkotaan dari lembaga-lembaga internasional utama, pemerintah, dan para pemangku kepentingan utama serta pengambil keputusan di seluruh dunia. Peran ini dilengkapi dengan keterlibatannya dalam program MOBILIZE dan Sustainable Transportation Awards.



Eleanor Blomstrom Senior Program Officer, International Women's Health Coalition

Eleanor works on international advocacy and policy to ensure women’s rights and SRHR are prioritized into global policies and programs, particularly focusing on UN agencies and processes, such as the Commission on the Status of Women and the High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage. At IWHC, she builds on her nine years at the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), where she provided administrative oversight and performed research, capacity building, and global-level advocacy in UN processes, including climate change, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She has extensive experience facilitating alliances of women’s rights and feminist groups, driving diverse collaboration in multiple spaces. Eleanor holds a BA in Environmental Science from Northwestern University and a Master of International Affairs in Urban and Environmental Policy from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.


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