Language: Indonesian

This report is the result of a rapid assessment of the conditions in Banda Aceh in the context of a proposal for a BRT Lite direct service model system. It focuses on updating an earlier PFS report prepared by the Government of Banda Aceh (GoBA) with a summary analysis of the raw data from the…

ITDP merekomendasikan langkah strategis dalam pembenahan manajemen angkot, revitalisasi armada, sistem pembayaran angkutan umum yang sejalan dengan program JakLingko. Penerapan sistem tiket berbasis waktu, dan manajemen rute untuk “8 Poin Panduan dan Rekomendasi Kebijakan Transportasi Berkelanjutan di DKI Jakarta“.

ITDP Indonesia menyusun panduan ini berdasarkan hasil pengalaman terlibat langsung dalam asistensi teknis Dinas Bina Marga Provinsi DKI Jakarta sehingga isi panduan merupakan penerapan desain yang sudah disesuaikan dengan beragam kasus yang ditemui di Jakarta. Tidak hanya itu, sejumlah standard baik nasional maupun internasional juga telah dirangkum dalam buku panduan ini guna memudahkan pengerjaan perbaikan. “Panduan…

The development of public transport infrastructure that is happening in Jakarta requires integration to make it easier for passengers to move seamlessly between modes. Therefore, it is important to apply the principle of integration design to prevent bad connectivity between models. ITDP Indonesia issued a practical guide in integrating existing modes of transportation in Jakarta….

The inability of big cities in Indonesia to provide good public transport is indicated by the worsening condition of public transportation with a decline in service quality and a decrease in the number of public transport passengers. Coupled with the policy of providing mass transportation which tends to eradicate or limit the role of existing…

The TOD Standard is a powerful tool to help shape and assess urban development. It focuses on maximizing the benefits of public transit and non-motorized mobility while placing the emphasis firmly back on the users: people. The Standard outlines eight core principles of urban design and land use, each supported by specific performance objectives and…


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