
Increasingly, cities in the US, finding themselves short of funds, are wondering whether BRT, a lower cost mass transit solution initially developed in Latin America and a relatively new form of mass transit in the US, could also be used here to leverage transit-oriented development investments. This report provides an answer. In the wake of…


As part of the growing momentum for Transit Oriented Development in Mexico, yesterday ITDP Mexico premiered a new video, “Mejores Calles, Mejores Ciudades” (Better Streets, Better Cities), advocating for the implementation of TOD strategies throughout the country. Although some cities have made great progress demonstrating the successes of sustainable urban development, many urban centers across…


Last week, academics, city officials, civil society organizations, state officials and international guests packed a standing room only auditorium at the Solar da Imperatriz within Rio’s Tropical Botanical Gardens to discuss how TransBrasil, the last of the four major BRT legacy projects to be built in preparation for the Olympics in 2016, can catalyze new…


Densification, mixed use, and parking are finally on the City of São Paulo policy agenda. São Paulo’s Master Plan, recently proposed by Mayor Fernando Haddad, promotes land development along metro, train and bus corridors, and incorporates many components of transit oriented development. By embracing sustainable, pedestrian-friendly development, the movement is a bold step forward for…


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