Peran transportasi bersih dan berkelanjutan menjadi sangat penting untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Selain peningkatan layanan transportasi publik serta infrastruktur berjalan kaki dan bersepeda, transisi ke kendaraan listrik atau electric vehicle (EV) perlu untuk mulai diterapkan. ITDP Indonesia bermitra dengan United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), menyusun studi mengenai potensi mobilitas listrik perkotaan di Indonesia untuk mendorong…
Topic: Electrification
Kementerian Perhubungan memiliki target 90% elektrifikasi armada transportasi publik perkotaan pada tahun 2030 untuk mengurangi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dari sektor transportasi darat. Namun, implementasi untuk mencapai target tersebut membutuhkan komitmen yang kuat dalam perencanaan, metode penentuan jumlah bus listrik, fasilitas pengisian daya, dan keselarasan elektrifikasi dengan payung hukum serta target lain. Dokumen Rancangan Peta…
Promoting Road Safety Through the Adoption and the Regulation of Electric Two-Wheelers Electrification of two-wheelers from the perspective of Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) can encourage the participation of women and people with disabilities in employment by using electric bikes or electric motorcycles. However, radical changes in mindset and habits are also needed…
The transportation sector contributes significantly to Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions, prompting the government to prioritize emissions reduction and energy efficiency, including promoting non-polluting modes of transportation such as walking and cycling, improving public transportation, and accelerating the adoption of cleaner vehicles, such as electric two- and three-wheelers (E2&3W). ITDP Indonesia supported by the United Nations…
Tujuan dari pilot bus listrik adalah untuk menguji keandalan, kinerja, dan efisiensi teknologi bus listrik dalam kondisi operasional yang sesungguhnya sebelum akhir diimplementasi secara penuh dengan melibatkan operator bus listrik, penyedia bus listrik, serta pengambil keputusan di tingkat daerah, provinsi, atau lainnya untuk memastikan bahwa teknologi dan skema operasional yang digunakan sesuai dan dapat berjalan…
Charging Forward: Public Transportation Electrification for the Future, a compilation book of bus electrification studies by ITDP Indonesia since 2020, addresses the electrification of public transportation at the regional and national levels. The documents also cover various aspects of electrification, from operational planning and selection of innovative business models to gender inclusivity and social equity…
This material was presented by ITDP Indonesia Interim Director, Gonggomtua E. Sitanggang as a moderator at the UrbanShift Asia Forum: Financing Climate Action in Cities 2023 on September 25, 2023.
Materi ini merupakan bahan paparan Rifqi Khoirul Anam, Transport Associate ITDP Indonesia sebagai pembicara dalam acara Climate Warrior Project Talkshow: What’s Up Air Pollution and the Electrification of Jakarta’s Public Transportation? pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2023.
In Indonesia, the transport sector contributed around 27% of national GHG emission in 2019, there is no time to delay taking actions to decarbonize motorized vehicles. As the first city in Indonesia piloting e-buses, Jakarta has started e-bus trials using different bus models since 2019, Transjakarta operated 2 e-buses without carrying any passengers as a…