ITDP Indonesia, yang diwakili oleh Vinensia Nanlohy, Public Transport & Electrification Associate menjadi pembicara dalam sesi FGD: Increasing the battery-based electric motor vehicle ecosystem and the conversion to electric vehicles, rangkaian acara dari “West Java Energy Forum (WJEF) 2023” FGD ini dimoderatori oleh Bagus Mulyadi dari Nottingham University. Pembicara lain dalam sesi ini berasal dari…
Topic: Electrification
Addressing the challenges of regulatory precedent, higher up-front costs, and technological complexity that hindered investment opportunities, Transjakarta’s ambitious electrification goals required a robust solution. Supported by UK PACT, ITDP Indonesia conducted a comprehensive study focusing on scaling up the electrification by establishing enabling conditions for e-bus fleet implementation, especially during the initial electrification phase. This…
This executive summary provides a comprehensive overview of the business case for the first phase of the electric bus deployment in Transjakarta, the public transportation system in Jakarta. The document highlights the key findings and recommendations derived from an in-depth analysis conducted by ITDP Indonesia. It outlines the financial feasibility, operational benefits, and environmental impact…
Implementasi bus listrik membutuhkan perencanaan yang komprehensif dari berbagai aspek. Toolkit Perencanaan Bus Listrik disusun oleh ITDP Indonesia, didukung oleh UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT), sebagai pedoman proses implementasi dan perencanaan Bus Listrik Berbasis Baterai di Indonesia, khususnya bagi kota dan provinsi yang sudah memiliki rencana atau target elektrifikasi transportasi publik berbasis…
Southeast Asia Director of ITDP, Faela Sufa presented “Review of Funding and Financing Options for Transjakarta and Proposed Electric BRT System in Other Indonesian Cities” at the Busworld Southeast Asia Conference 2022. This material discussed Current Funding and Financing Schemes: Transjakarta Program and Buy The Service Program, Analysis of the Gap in Diesel vs Electric…
Etsa Amanda, Sr. Transport Policy and Development Associate ITDP Indonesia presented “Policy Framework for E-mobility Adoption in Indonesia” at the Busworld Southeast Asia Conference 2022. This material discussed stakeholders in electric bus adoption, challenges in electric bus adoption, and policy frameworks to accelerate the adoption of electric buses.
Badan Pengurus Pusat dan Badan Pengurus Daerah Jakarta Raya Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) berkolaborasi dengan The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) Indonesia menyelenggarakan ruang diskusi untuk menjembatani dialog antara sektor swasta dan pemerintah agar isu ini dapat dibahas secara bersama, dalam upaya mendukung pelibatan sektor swasta dalam adopsi dan percepatan kendaraan listrik…
As the COVID-19 pandemic recovers, we must choose an exemplary scenario for how our city will develop. ITDP and the University of California, Davis, released research results that resulted in 4 scenarios we can create for cities. However, there is only one scenario that can consistently limit global temperature rise to less than 1.5°C and…
Given the number of motorcycles in Jakarta–13.3 million units as of 2016–the mode is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the city. It is clear that a shift to cleaner fuel options is urgently needed for the mode. Unfortunately, Indonesia currently lags behind in electric vehicle (EV) adoption. E-motorcycle…