Type: Report

Review ini dibuat berdasarkan hasil uji coba akses sepeda non-lipat ke dalam MRT Jakarta yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal Senin 22 Maret 2021, jam 13.00 WIB di Stasiun MRT Bundaran HI dan Lebak Bulus. Kegiatan juga dihadiri oleh beberapa komunitas sepeda di DKI Jakarta, antara lain:  Komunitas Sepeda MTB Federal Komunitas Sepeda Tua/ Onthel Komunitas Sepeda…

Unravelling Online Ojek’s User Profile in Jabodetabek A multi-level identification method The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government needs to ensure that online transportation services do not compete with public transportation and online transportation in the integration of modes in Jakarta, functioning as feeder transportation for mass transportation services provided. Disclosure of travel data from online transportation…

This preliminary design report is the third report produced by the consultant for the PPTA work. Prior to this report, an inception report and interim report were submitted to the ADB. The inception report was submitted in April 2016 and shows the BRT corridor alignment options, the existing public transport services (routes and frequencies), public…

Rencana implementasi sistem angkutan massal yang terintegrasi di Kota Medan sudah dimulai sejak tahun 2017, dan di tahun 2018, rencananya akan dilakukan proses lelang dan transaksi melalui skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (KPBU). Terlepas dari kajian teknis, operasional dan finansial yang sedang memasuki tahap finalisasi, masih ada sebuah komponen yang belum pernah disentuh dalam…

Pada tahun 2015, ITDP Indonesia terlibat dalam sebuah proyek yang didanai oleh ICI (International Climate Initiative) dengan nama proyek Reducing Emissions through Integration and Optimization of Public Transport in Indonesia. Melalui proyek ini, ITDP bekerja sama dengan Bappenas, Kementerian Perhubungan, dan beberapa pemerintah kota untuk mempromosikan dan mengimplementasikan strategi “avoid” dan “shift” untuk sistem transportasi…

ITDP are commissioned by The Asian Development Bank (ADB) to develop conceptual design and plan for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. The work primary objective is to develop a BRT design that is workable and can be implemented in Karachi. ITDP began the work in Karachi in August, by…

The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) is commissioned by The Asian Development Bank under R-RDTA 9017: Unlocking Innovation for Development, Scaling-up Innovative in Urban Transport Operations contract, which covers multiple cities, including Langkawi. In this report, ITDP will focus only on public transport and Non-Motorized Transport (NMT), with some aspects of parking to support…

This report is the result of a rapid assessment of the conditions in Banda Aceh in the context of a proposal for a BRT Lite direct service model system. It focuses on updating an earlier PFS report prepared by the Government of Banda Aceh (GoBA) with a summary analysis of the raw data from the…


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