Author: Nneka Njoku

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) presented at two events during the biannual World Urban Forum organized by UN Habitat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The World Urban Forum is considered the premier conference on cities. The Forum was established by the United Nations to examine one of the most pressing problems facing…

by Amalia Holub, ITDP Argentina The Buenos Aires city government inaugurated its new bicycle route with much celebration. The Northern Bikeway connects Plaza Italia in the neighborhood of Palermo with the central Retiro transportation hub. A crowd of government representatives from various departments, ITDP and other non-profit organizations, and local bicycle advocates all gathered for…

From BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 3/23/2010 In a bid to improve the service quality of Transjakarta or commonly known as busway, Indonesian Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) in cooperation with Transjakarta Management Body (BLU), PT Inresh Indonesia, and the Association of Indonesian Safety Expert (IAKKI) held Tuesday (3/23) an audit and training of Safety Management…

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy emphasizes development models that favor a more compact and competitive city From El Informador, Guadalajara, Mexico, March 22, 2010 Jesus Sanchez, transport specialist and director of non-motorized mobility initiatives comments on ways that the city of Guadalajara can improve transport for metropolitan area inhabitants with a network of bikeways…

By Ratna Yunita, ITDP Jakarta is a metropolitan city where for the last ten years development has increased very rapidly. Skyscrapers with modern architecture are found in almost every corner of the city nowadays. But there is a noble historic revitalization project underway at the historical site of Oud Batavia or Old Town.   Oud Batavia is…

By Amalia Holub, ITDP   The first BRT line in Buenos Aires will soon be running along Juan B. Justo Avenue. Construction has been completed along 60 percent of the route and operation is expected to begin before the end of the year. The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy led the process of demand…

Walter Hook, Executive Director of the Insitute for Transportation and Development Policy, was interviewed for an article on a new bus rapid transit system opening in Las Vegas, Nevada. “Where the Rubber Meets the Road,” compares bus rapid transit to light rail and examines the benefits bus rapid transit will bring to the city of…

IBM invited ITDP Founder and Global Policy Director to speak at the Smarter Transportation forum at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C., to examine society’s need for updated transportation infrastructures on February 25, 2010. Watch the video below. Prominent leaders from government, academia and industry discussed powerful strategies and solutions to dramatically improve…

Andrés Fingeret, Argentina Country Director for the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, answers some questions and explains the current status of bus rapid transit in Buenos Aires for the environmentally-focused Latin American blog, Click here to read the interview. Construction of the system stations will begin on the first corridor in just a couple of…


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