Transport Matters. 

Transport networks are the pulse of every city, providing access, defining livability, and framing urban space. Decisions about whether to build highways or bus corridors or greenways have tremendous impact not only on the air we breathe and the price we pay to get around, but also on the health of our planet. Through high quality public transport, safe and pleasant spaces for walking & cycling, a focus on transit-oriented development, and progressive, people-centered policies, cities can provide more equitable access to economic opportunity, community, and culture for everyone, including women, children, and the elderly.

ITDP works in cities of all sizes on five continents, with offices in China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico and the United States. Our team includes architects, urban planners, leading transport experts, cycling activists, developers, data scientists, and policy specialists working directly with local governments to make visible, on-the-ground improvements. Our extensive resources for cities, planners, policymakers, and activists include technical reports, guides, standards, videos, infographics, and white papers on everything from bus rapid transit service planning to e-scooter management policies.

A recreation of a classic photo series showing the amount of street space needed for different transport modes. 


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