Supporting E-mobility focusing on Electric Two and Three-wheelers and Policies on Urban Traffic Integration in Indonesia

Januari, 2024

The transportation sector contributes significantly to Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions, prompting the government to prioritize emissions reduction and energy efficiency, including promoting non-polluting modes of transportation such as walking and cycling, improving public transportation, and accelerating the adoption of cleaner vehicles, such as electric two- and three-wheelers (E2&3W). ITDP Indonesia supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has developed three key outputs in the report entitled “Supporting E-mobility focusing on Electric Two- and Three-wheelers and Policies on Urban Traffic Integration in Indonesia.”


Sektor transportasi berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca di Indonesia, sehingga mendorong pemerintah untuk memprioritaskan pengurangan emisi dan efisiensi energi, termasuk mempromosikan moda transportasi yang tidak menimbulkan polusi seperti berjalan kaki dan bersepeda, meningkatkan transportasi publik, dan mempercepat adopsi kendaraan yang lebih bersih, seperti kendaraan roda dua dan tiga listrik (E2&3W). ITDP Indonesia didukung oleh oleh United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) telah mengembangkan tiga keluaran utama dalam laporan yang berjudul “Supporting E-mobility focusing on Electric Two- and Three-wheelers and Policies on Urban Traffic Integration in Indonesia.”


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