Sebagai langkah awal, ITDP Indonesia dan Tim Konsorsium Surabaya Kota Ramah Bersepeda menyelenggarakan rangkaian kegiatan Lokakarya Community Co-design “Menuju Surabaya Kota Ramah Bersepeda”, yang menitikberatkan pada partisipasi masyarakat, sebagai pengguna dan calon pengguna, dalam mewujudkan kota yang ramah bersepeda dengan tujuan: Mendapatkan persepsi masyarakat terkait kota yang ramah bersepeda; Mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan tantangan yang ditemukan…
Type: Report
In Indonesia, the transport sector contributed around 27% of national GHG emission in 2019, there is no time to delay taking actions to decarbonize motorized vehicles. As the first city in Indonesia piloting e-buses, Jakarta has started e-bus trials using different bus models since 2019, Transjakarta operated 2 e-buses without carrying any passengers as a…
Addressing the challenges of regulatory precedent, higher up-front costs, and technological complexity that hindered investment opportunities, Transjakarta’s ambitious electrification goals required a robust solution. Supported by UK PACT, ITDP Indonesia conducted a comprehensive study focusing on scaling up the electrification by establishing enabling conditions for e-bus fleet implementation, especially during the initial electrification phase. This…
This executive summary provides a comprehensive overview of the business case for the first phase of the electric bus deployment in Transjakarta, the public transportation system in Jakarta. The document highlights the key findings and recommendations derived from an in-depth analysis conducted by ITDP Indonesia. It outlines the financial feasibility, operational benefits, and environmental impact…
ITDP Indonesia melalui kegiatan Scaling Up Clean Urban Mobility in Indonesia yang didanai oleh ClimateWorks Foundation (CWF) sejak tahun 2022 telah melakukan pendampingan kepada Pemerintah Kota Medan, Pemerintah Kota Semarang dan Pemerintah Pusat (Kementerian Perhubungan) untuk mempercepat dan mewujudkan sistem transportasi yang berkelanjutan dan berkeadilan di Indonesia. Sebagai bentuk bantuan teknis terhadap Kementerian Perhubungan, ITDP…
This report is to produce guidance on improvements that can be implemented in terms of efficient and clean mobility in Krabi. The improvements area in the area of the prioritization of walking, cycling, and public transport. In this assignment, ITDP focuses on public transport improvement, and ideas for prioritizing non-motorized transport (NMT), such as walking…
This report is to produce guidance and direction for improvements to achieve green transport and low-carbon mobility in Banda Aceh. In order to move forward with more efficient mobility, the city should put effort into and prioritize the choice of more sustainable and eco-friendly transport for the local residents. In this assignment, ITDP will focus…
The objective of this report is to provide guidance and direction for improvements to achieve green transport and low-carbon mobility objective in Phuket. As one of the main tourist destinations in Thailand, eco-tourism should be the focus of the provincial government, which includes the choice of more sustainable and eco-friendly transport for both tourists and…
This report will provide guidance and detailed plans to improve walking and cycling facilities in creating Patong as a walkable city. The walkways in Patong would be universally accessible and connected. To reduce high dependency on private vehicles such as motorcycles and taxis, guidance on a series of measures to provide good and reliable public…