Kasih Sabandar

Kasih Sabandar

Inclusive Urban Planning Associate I

Kasih Sabandar, or Noni, advocates for sustainable urban planning and inclusive design. With a bachelor’s degree in Human Geography and Urban Planning from the University of Groningen, Noni is passionate about creating livable, people-centric cities. Born and raised in Jakarta, she joined ITDP in 2021 to help transform the city’s car-centric design into a more inclusive and sustainable environment.

At ITDP, Noni works on several sustainable urban design and inclusivity projects. She focuses on mainstreaming gender equity, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) in non-motorized transportation and electric vehicle projects and tactical urbanism initiatives. In her free time, Noni enjoys exploring Jakarta’s diverse culinary scene, cooking, and spending time with her loved ones.


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